Sunday, December 21, 2008

Our Bitter Sweet Moment

Today was the last day we will ever be the teachers of these great kids. The last 2 years we have taught the 15-16 year old group @ Church in Moroni. We have now moved to Sandy and will no longer be in that ward. We are so excited about being in a different ward and meeting new people, but we are really going to miss them. We have adopted them as family and its hard to move on!! starting from the back left to right: Brittney, Brett, Landan, Ethan, Kraegan, Justin. Front left to right: Michelle, Alicia, Zach, Karen, and Hannah.
Our class has been so fun. I do believe they have taught us more then we have taught them. The Lord has more planned for us then we will ever know! And I'm so grateful for our faith, and relationship with our heavenly father. I love this season of life. We are just enjoying every moment we spend with our family and friends. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

awwe, i'm soo sorry! I'm glad that you'll be up here closer though! We just moved out of a ward we had been in since we got married (5 years). for the first two months when we came home from church at our new ward, i cried. i hated it. I felt like i wanted to go home and couldn't. I'm better now, but it was way harder than i thought. good luck with the move!!